Friday, June 02, 2017

Math - It's What's for Breakfast - Day Four

Whoo-wee! It's Friday. It's our last day with this group of students. Next week I will be leading a brand new group with this same information. So next week's posts will just be what I'm noticing instead of a full breakdown, just so you know!

After the math vocabulary stickers and roll call  I jumped in and took over the Estimation Problem for the day. I wanted to get my feet wet and ready for Monday. Today it was about the height of a Ferris Wheel, but they gave us a clue when they included the guy from Monday's estimation. The students had to remember that his height was 6'4". It was funny to watch them all immediately pinch their fingers on the picture and then try to count up how many of those it would take to reach the top of the wheel. Since this was an inaccurate and unsteady way of measuring many only got about half of the correct numbers of people to count.

I also asked the teacher participants to weigh in with their estimations and share their strategies. One of them brought up the idea of just counting up half way and then doubling it. Which leads right into today's Number Talk strand!

If we used 64 x 1 and then showed them 32 x 2 can they 'decompose' (ask them to use the correct terms we discussed yesterday) the 32 into 30 and 2 so that the problem could be (2 x 30) + (2 x 2)? Highlight any strategies shared that came from our lessons this week, such as Area Model or Number Lines.

Today's Activating Strategy was called Eliminate it. There's a table with four two digit numbers in them. They are just random. Tell the students that there is no right or wrong way to answer this question. But look at all four and remove one of them from the rest. Make sure that you stress that the student talks through their math reasoning behind why they selected that number. Have them refer to the place values of the numbers, or the odd-evenness, prime-composite, digit is repeated, etc.

Next was time for only one workstation rotation today.

Yesterday I gave you some homework to do research into Three Act Tasks. Dan Meyers created a google doc that he is sharing about various math problems in LiveBinders. Students watch a little video or look at a picture. Then they talk out what they notice and  IMPORTANTLY try to determine what the video could be asking. They estimate, placing their guesses on a number line with LOW choice at one end, and HIGH choice at the other. Their estimate falls somewhere on this line. Students need to determine what information is needed to solve their selected question. Then they work through the math and offer up suggestions for results, justifying their reasonings.

You get to decide if you reveal the answer, or let them walk away without solving it.

We had a survey for the students to complete, so we stopped today earlier than usual.

Next week is all me with four teachers watching me conduct these lessons for 16 students.


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