The Atlanta Zoo offered a Free Educator Day. I haven't been to the zoo in so long that I thought it would be a perfect

And it WAS! The weather channel promised rain, but in the early morning it was bright and warm.

We had to stand in a long line to prove that we were actually teachers and then we could go inside. It was very busy today. Seemingly everyone getting the same idea at the same time.

Even though there were tons of people with their children, I was much more impressed with the manners shown here. Nothing like the Aquarium where people just knock your camera out of your hands and don't even stop. I actually experienced one woman moving her child so I could get a shot. Wow!
I was playing with my aperature mode and thought there would be plenty of light since we were outside so I left the iso on 200. Every picture I was snapping was horribly blurred. Remember my complaints about Gordon's picture taking skill? Well, it seems it may NOT have been his fault after all.
I switched to auto and got the shots. Once I checked the Metadata I noticed that the iso was all over 500. Hmm? Thank goodness. I thought I would have to send in my camera to be fixed. It would take six weeks to get it back. Umm, that's not good since I am flying to San Francisco on Friday.
Overall, we had an awesome day at the zoo. These free educator days at Atlanta attractions are indeed a benefit of teaching!
Love these shots! Glad you go the camera working for you. Is there another Educator Day coming up soon? We'd love to go.
Gary- Fun way to spend a Saturday! I really like the up close elephant shot. :o) One week until Spring Break! WHOO HOO!
Wow Gary - these shots are incredible. I love the zoo and animal pictures. Everyone in my house is really tired of me always having animal planet on tv, but what can I say. So funny you were blaming him for the blurry pics when it was really the light.
Incredible pics, Gary!!! Glad you figured out the blur problem.
HUGE animal photos. They are just great. See you in class, Beta-boy!
GREAT SHOTS!!! I see some layouts coming....hope you are enjoying your vacation and see ya around the playground!!
Awesome shots from the zoo ... I *LOVE* the zoo!! Sorry I missed your blog on my rounds the other day - didn't mean to leave you out ;)
I especially love the elephant shot - amazing! "I belong in the Zoo!" means something entirely different in my little family... we ARE the zoo, in many cases! :)
Thanks for sharing, Beta Boy!
really great shots, Gary!
Great shots Gary. I definitely have the Philadelphia zoo on my list of things to do.
Great job Gary with the zoo pics
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