Sunday, October 03, 2010

Art of Digital Design at Jessica Sprague

Sadly, this amazing class has come to an end. The first ever digital designers course has come to fruition and ended as of September 30th. My full kit

has been entered and generously critiqued by Carina Gardner. The final exam has been taken and passed. The actual certificate should be on its way in no time now.

I just wanted to thank Jessica Sprague for putting this amazing class together. I know I bugged her many times about creating such a class for all of us. I am thankful that she consented. Of course, she outdid my expectations. For that, I can never thank her enough.

If you have ever looked at designers kits and thought, "I wonder how they do that." Or, "I can make that." This class is for you! It's going to become available again after the new year, so jump on this bandwagon as soon as you can!

Art of Digital Design

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